Thank you for visiting the Mi Life Care Services website.
We appreciate your interest in our company and we hope this website provides you with useful information. Mi Life Care Services provides domiciliary home care and support to clients throughout the region.
We take our commitment to our clients extremely seriously and we work hard to meet your health care needs. Our staff are trained to deliver a highly personal and professional service, which is tailored to suit your individual needs, and respect your cultural values.
Our Mission Statement is ‘Making A Better Day’. We are very much committed to this objective in order to benefit all our clients. Our dedicated and caring staff work extremely hard to fulfil this mission.
Our overall objective at Mi Life Care Services is to help you stay as independent as is practically possible. In other words, we are here to lend a helping hand where it is needed; not to stand in the way of things you want to do for yourself.
Of course every client is different and that is why we offer differing levels of support. We will work with you to determine where your strengths lie and where you can use some extra help. Ultimately it is our intention to be a positive influence and to help you live your life to the fullest.
For more information and to discuss yours or your relative’s care requirements please contact us today.